We all know how important it is to eat your vegetables. But, do we really know why they are beneficial to our health ? Let’s focus on the the green leafy vegetables such as kale, collards, bok, choy, spinach, swiss chard, broccoli, and brussels.
1. anti-inflammatory: leafy greens contain vitamin C and quercetin (plant pigment which contains anti-inflammatory properties)
2. Fiber: leafy greens can assist with regulation of the GI tract and help to keep you fuller longer.
3. Iron: Leafy greens contain non-heme (plant based) iron which is easier for the body to absorb than heme (animal based) iron.
4. Calcium: Leafy greens such as kale and collard greens can contain up to 25% of recommended daily calcium requirements. Some leafy greens such as spinach contain higher levels of oxalates ( naturally occurring compounds) that bind to the calcium, letting your body absorb lesser amounts.
5. Vitamins: Leafy greens are a great source of vitamins, A, D, E and K which all help maintain necessary bodily functions such as vision, calcium and magnesium absorption, reduction of free radicals and cell damage, immune function, and maintenance of bones, teeth, and soft tissue.
USDA guidelines for recommended (www.myplate.gov) is 2-3 servings or 2-3 cups of vegetables a day!